
How To Install Mvc In Visual Studio 2008

Visual Studio is an Integrated Evolution Environs(IDE) developed by Microsoft to develop GUI(Graphical User Interface), Web applications, console, web apps, mobile apps, cloud, and web services, etc. To install and use Visual Studio for the commercial purpose i must buy a license from Microsoft. For learning (not-commercial) purpose, Microsoft provided a free Visual Studio Community Version. Nosotros will utilize the Visual Studio Community Version 2022. The latest version of Visual Studio makes the whole process very easy for ASP.Cyberspace applications. There may be some variations in the steps for installing and setting up the Visual Studio IDE. So we recommend installing the latest version of Visual Studio.

Steps for Installing & Setting Up Visual Studio 2022

Pace 1: Download the Visual Studio Community Version 2022


Step 2: Run the .exe file and follow the instructions to install Visual Studio Customs Version on the system.


Step 3: Select ASP.NET and web development from the options and click to install in lesser right corner every bit shown below. We can as well select .Internet desktop evolution option for windows forms and console applications etc. Here we are selecting both the options. We can likewise alter information technology after installation.



Step 4: Click on launch and information technology volition be prompted to sign in for the outset time. The sign-in step is optional so it can be skipped. The dialog box will appear for the first time but and enquire to cull the Evolution Settings and color theme. Once select required options, click on Start Visual Studio option. This stride is optional in some versions.

Step five: To create a new ASP.NET Web application, Go to File –> New –>Project like as shown below:


Step 6: As soon as we select the projection, we will notice the different options of the Project. We tin filter them according to our selection. We tin can see the iii filters(Language, Platform, Project Type) on the correct side of the search bar in the below given screenshot. Here we are non using the filters. We are just choosing ASP.NET Spider web Application(.NET Framework) and click Adjacent. Nosotros can see the options of C#, Windows, and Library below the chosen projection. There are 2 choices as we can also find the ASP.NET Web Application(.Internet Framework) using VB(Visual Basic).


Step 7: The next step is to configure the project. Here, we take to cull the Projection Proper name and Solution name and click on Create Button. We tin too modify the location of the project. A projection proper name is a subset of the solution name. We can put a different proper name for the solution. In other words, the solution is like a container for projects.


We are putting Project proper noun and Solution name as GeeksforGeeks equally shown in the beneath screenshot.


Step 8: Here, we take to choose the type of the ASP.NET Web Awarding. We are creating a web awarding so first, choose the project type as Empty to empathise a simple application. So choose the Spider web-Forms which volition add the basic folders to create Web Forms Awarding. After that click Create push.


In the below image, in the right-hand side, the Solution Explorer is open past default. There we can see a file Global.asax.cs which is a common file for the entire application. This file contains specific information related to the awarding and used to initialize application specific variables to their default values.

Step 9: Now add a Web Form file to the projection "GeeksforGeeks" which contains the web-specific code for the project. Just Right click on GeeksforGeeks in the Solution Explorer. Select Add then select Web Form from the carte du jour as shown below.


It will prompt for the name of the Web Form. We are putting the name as TestingWebForm and click OK.


The default code for the TestingWebForm is shown as beneath:


Step 10: Now write a sample code in TestingWebForm.aspx file which volition display "Hello Geeks!" every bit an output. The explanation of code will exist discussed further.


<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="TestingWebForm.aspx.cs" Inherits="GeeksforGeeks.TestingWebForm" %>

<!DOCTYPE html>

< head runat = "server" >

< title ></ title >

</ head >

< torso >

< course id = "form1" runat = "server" >

< div >

<%Response.Write("Hello Geeks!"); %>

</ div >

</ form >

</ body >

</ html >

Now to execute the code, click on the Run button as shown in below screenshot. For the first time, we may need to fix upwardly the browser configuration.


Finally the Output:



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